National Teacher Education Center

NTEC’s mission is to support teaching and learning by recruiting and training adults committed to the success of all children. We address that mission by partnerning with universities to provide high-quality career-oriented programs leading to teacher licensure in shortage areas including special education, bilingual education, and English for second-language learners. 

NTEC specializes in the design of on-the-job alternative certification programs that allow committed adults to earn their license while serving their communities as full-time paid teachers. To advance that goal, we recruit candidates with a commitment to the principle that all children can, and will learn, help them to find a teaching job, and enroll them in alternative certification programs. The programs use a blend of online and traditional instruction designed to provide support to working teachers. NTEC teachers allow our school district partners to recruit, train and certify teachers for high-vacancy teaching jobs.

NTEC offers many of the same services provided by Wellspring Higher Education, but with specialization in teacher education. The services offered by NTEC include:


​In addition, NTEC offers services specific to the teacher education market such as:


Learn more about NTEC here.